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June 14, 2021

Managed Service Provider

Small businesses are faced with difficult technology questions every day, like what technology should I invest in, what technology should have a priority over another or what gives my business a competitive advantage?

We all know it can be overwhelming to decide without the proper information. Rhyme IT helps our clients make more informed technology decisions and with Rhyme Managed IT we take the time to get to know you and your business so that your business drives the technology we recommend – not the other way around. 

What Are Managed IT Services? 

Managed Services is a term used to describe a model of IT management. What differentiates Managed Services from traditional IT support is that the responsibility and risk associated with managing a business’s IT systems shifts to the Managed Services Provider (MSP). 

Using a managed approach to IT, you’re turning over the responsibility for your IT needs to a Managed Service Provider (MSP) who takes a proactive approach to monitoring your system. Outsourcing the daily management of your system to a MSP gives you the advantage of preventative care. A Rhyme iT will work hard to identify potential challenges and threats to your IT system and solve them before they disrupt operations. Because you’re dealing with an IT professional that takes pride in keeping up with the latest trends, best practices, and newest software, you can be confident that we’ll keep your system up-to-date and running at maximum efficiency. A Rhyme Managed IT Solution also offers peace of mind that you can’t get with break fix. When your server shuts down, you’ve got a professional who is already familiar with your system standing by to get your business back up and running. 

What Is Break/Fix or Traditional IT? 

As the name implies, with break fix you only enlist the help of a professional after something has “broken.” When you adopt a break fix approach to IT, you’ll be managing your hardware and software needs and charged hourly when an IT technician is dispatched to your business to determine, and hopefully fix, your IT problem. On a daily basis you might use a tech-savvy employee to solve minor IT issues, but it’s nearly impossible for to keep up with all the developments in the fast-paced world of tech. At some point, you’ll be calling for the help of a professional. 

While you are relieved of the monthly service fee associated with the managed model, your costs for repairs, consultations and hourly labor are unpredictable with the beak fix approach. Budgeting with break fix is nearly impossible. Your system is also likely to be down for longer than with the managed approach because your technician won’t have a history of working with your system and it could take him or her much longer to identify and fix the problem. 

It’s never a good time for an IT meltdown. And as luck would have it, they seem to occur at the very worst moments. You’re putting the finishing touches on a major report or collecting data for that once in a lifetime job bid and an IT mishap strikes. All operations come to a screeching halt and productivity is derailed. Even the most basic IT problem can have catastrophic implications. 

Disadvantages of traditional “break-fix” IT support 

In the traditional break-fix IT support model, the clients’ interests are in dispute with those of the service provider. 

  • The break-fix IT support provider has no incentive to make your network as stable as possible because they make money every time the client has a problem. 
  • It’s often a “best effort” service. Response times are variable and guarantees are seldom made. 

Traditionally, an IT support company worked reactively; the client called them when something was broken. The IT support provider’s service is judged by how quickly they can attend to a problem, but by the time you are aware of a problem, it’s already too late. Data is lost, downtime is incurred, productivity is reduced, etc. 

When choosing between managed and break fix IT models, you should consider how much your business’ survival depends on your IT system and how much an IT problem will cost your business in downtime. Can you afford to put off maintenance of your system and risk a full fledge IT fiasco? Or are you willing to pay a monthly fee to possibly keep the problem from occurring in the first place? Only you know what your budget can handle, but keep in mind that paying a monthly fee for a professional to handle your IT headaches not only minimizes productivity disruptions, it can free you to focus on doing what you do best: growing your business. 

What can you expect out of a Managed IT Solution? 

As alluded to in the above section, managed services provide more comprehensive support than break-fix. 

Some highlights of an MSP contract include: 

  • Redundant service – An engineer is always available to respond to your urgent IT needs. 
  • Knowledgeable engineers – MSP engineers are highly skilled and can solve complex problems. 
  • Predictable pricing – Managed services are subscription-based, so you’ll pay a fixed rate each month. 
  • Remote monitoring services – Your MSP will implement various basic security best practices like account lockout, strong password policies and the principle of lease privilege. This helps reduce the risk of downtime and data loss. 

A Rhyme Managed IT Solution can cover all of these areas of your business: 


  • Vendor Management 
  • Budgeting and Lifecycle Management 
  • Quarterly Business Reviews 


  • 24/7 Advanced Performance Monitoring 
  • Server Configuration Management 
  • Key Application Maintenance 
  • Microsoft and 3rdParty Patch Management 
  • Real Time Server Optimization 
  • Scheduled Preventative Maintenance 


  • 24/7 Advanced Performance Monitoring 
  • Workstation Configuration Management 
  • Microsoft and 3rdParty Patch Management 
  • Real Time Workstation Optimization 
  • Scheduled Preventative Maintenance 


  • Firewall Management and Maintenance 
  • Router and Switch Performance Monitoring 
  • Regular Vulnerability Scan and Report 


  • Anti-Virus Monitoring and Management 
  • Anti-Spam Monitoring and Management 
  • Regular Vulnerability Scan and Report 


  • Backup Deployment and Configuration 
  • Backup Performance Monitoring 
  • Backup Software Updates 
  • Scheduled Backup Jobs 
  • Data Center Replication and Disaster Recovery Planning 


  • Unlimited Network and End-User Support 
  • End-User Training 
  • Onsite Project and Repair 

Learn more about Rhyme’s Managed IT Service. 

Managed IT is not just IT Support 

Unlike the old “break-fix” IT Support model, Rhyme’s Managed IT Services align our interests with those of the client. Both parties desire for the network to be absolutely stable because they both lose money when anything goes wrong. As a result of this alignment, Rhyme is incentivized to work harder and smarter to ensure that your network remains 100% stable. 

  • Our IT Management provides 24/7 technical support and help desk services. 
  • There is no limit to the number of hours they can use. 
  • Rhyme employs proactive maintenance to achieve optimal network stability. 

An MSP is meant to do more than just solve your problems. Ultimately, when you choose managed services for IT support, you’re building a relationship with a trusted adviser, not just paying for one-off support. 

Choosing a managed services model can actually help your business grow financially while giving you more control over your services, specialties, and approach.  

How does employing an MSP model affect your budget? 

Taking a reactive or proactive approach to your IT environment has an impact when it comes to cost as well. 

The exact cost of a managed IT services contract or break-fix support will depend on your needs. Long-term, however, managed services generally make more sense cost-wise than relying on break-fix support. 

With the managed model, budgeting your IT service expense is much easier than with the break fix model. Typically, you’ll pay an upfront setup fee for a managed service and be billed a set rate (or near-set rate) monthly. 

Active management from an MSP means fewer problems to resolve. While a managed service contract entitles you to all the support you need for the same price, the ultimate goal is to create an efficient IT environment that doesn’t require frequent support. Using this proactive approach on IT maintenance achieves peak stability and performance. With a clearer monthly financial picture, it becomes easier to invest in upgrades and better software, which helps grow your business overall. 

When you don’t pay for a managed services contract, you generally have more problems that will require money to resolve.  

When responding to a problem from a response standpoint, your IT engineer can solve your problems faster since they’re already familiar with your IT environment. 

On the accounting end, managed services are easier to budget around because they’re static. You can’t predict how frequently you’ll need IT support or what that support entails. If you don’t have a managed service contract, you may have unexpected costs excluded or exceeding your IT budget. 

According to CompTIA, 46% of companies that use managed IT services have cut their annual IT costs by 25% or more. 

Find out if Rhyme IT Managed Services are right for you. 

Contact us to one of our technical experts about your technology needs HERE or call us at 800-362-4333. 


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